The Blog Marketing Tips A Success
The blog marketing tips series is getting along quite well, my visitors feedback is proving to me that it was the right choice to talk about these techniques because a lot of people have emailed me to tell me how much they have learned from these simple tips.
Peer Relationships
Now about peer relations, if you have ever read a blog marketing or blog traffic tips newsletter or e-book then you might have read a tip about making relationships with other bloggers and webmasters, so we all go out emailing the top bloggers in our niche and the top site owners also, and we rarely ever get a reply and if we do it is just a complementary one, and most of the time it is just another employee that replies to our email so we start neglecting this great tip about peer relationships.
Your True Peers
The thing is that when I say peer relations I do not mean those top blogs and popular bloggers, actually I mean that you should contact bloggers in your niche market that are at the same level that you are playing at. In other words if you get 100 daily visitors then contact the bloggers that get a range between 70 and 150 daily visits, because they will more likely respond to you, actually they will be glad that you contacted them. Those same level bloggers form your community so go make some friends out there.
Why You Need Peer Relations
Nobody can live without friends, it's the same on the Internet because when you first start you blog you don't have any followers of fans, but if you have friends that have started a blog earlier then you then that might just be your chance to get some traffic, if they refer you to their readers in one of their blog posts, if they add a link to your blog in the sidebar, that not only will send you a spark of new readers, but also will get you indexed in google faster, and if you have enough friends that link to your blog then you will start getting a higher pagerank in google, and higher search engine ranks also, so again I will tell you get out there and make some friends, and if you would like, I'd love to be one of your friends.
What To Wait For Here
On this blog "smallBlogsBig" I will give you free guidance that will help you make your blog popular and teach you how to direct traffic to you blog, If you need any extra help contact me on
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips # 7 "Peer Relations"
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1:22 PM
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free blog tips,
marketing tips,
Peer relations,
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Thursday, December 25, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips # 6 "Free pdf Report"
Free Reports are an amazing tool to get targeted traffic to your blog, so amazing that you can apply this technique alone and still get huge amounts of traffic, the reason it is so amazing is that the only people who would care to read your report are the people that need the information that you give, so if somebody reads your report that's a clue that he is interested in your niche topic, and if your readers read your report and like what you teach them then they will naturally follow the links that you give them which will point to your blog.
Why do free reports send lots of traffic?
Free Reports send lots of traffic because they are free and people love free things, they also will greatly respect you because you are helping them for free. A free pdf report can reach millions of people on line because it is passed down easily from hand to hand, it is well known that a report like this could beat the number of reads a best seller gets.
What you should do
Get yourself a free pdf document writer and write a 30 page report full of useful information about your niche topic, and post it on your blog, also email popular bloggers in the same niche and tell them about your free report, you might get lucky and get reviewed by that popular blogger, and that's when you reach the large communicatation channels that I told you about in the introduction of this series.
Make sure that you put a link to your blog on each page of the report, and by the way you can insert advertisement and affiliate links into the pdf file and if your report hits it big you'll suddenly find your self rich.
I will soon release a free report about blog marketing tips, be sure to download it, and merry Christmas & a happy new year.
Why do free reports send lots of traffic?
Free Reports send lots of traffic because they are free and people love free things, they also will greatly respect you because you are helping them for free. A free pdf report can reach millions of people on line because it is passed down easily from hand to hand, it is well known that a report like this could beat the number of reads a best seller gets.
What you should do
Get yourself a free pdf document writer and write a 30 page report full of useful information about your niche topic, and post it on your blog, also email popular bloggers in the same niche and tell them about your free report, you might get lucky and get reviewed by that popular blogger, and that's when you reach the large communicatation channels that I told you about in the introduction of this series.
Make sure that you put a link to your blog on each page of the report, and by the way you can insert advertisement and affiliate links into the pdf file and if your report hits it big you'll suddenly find your self rich.
I will soon release a free report about blog marketing tips, be sure to download it, and merry Christmas & a happy new year.
Posted by
7:37 AM
blog marketing tips,
blog traffic,
free report,
free traffic guide,
marketing tips,
small blog,
web 2.0,
web traffic

Monday, December 22, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips # 5 "Blog Carnivals"
A Blog Carnivals is a post on a blog with links to posts on other blogs on a related niche topic. Blog carnivals are usually linked to from popular blogs on that same niche, so if you submit a really good article to a blog carnival you will benefit greatly from the traffic of the popular blogs, and if the article has some great information most likely those unique visitors will turn into faithful daily visitors.
Because of the frequent submission of articles to the blog carnival it is constantly spidered by the search engines which leads to it appearing in the search engine fast.
Along side of the spike of visitors you will get, you will also get a link back from the posted blog carnival, which will help you get a better page rank in google.
Because of the frequent submission of articles to the blog carnival it is constantly spidered by the search engines which leads to it appearing in the search engine fast.
Along side of the spike of visitors you will get, you will also get a link back from the posted blog carnival, which will help you get a better page rank in google.
Posted by
9:17 AM
Blog Carnival,
blog marketing tips,
marketing tips,
more visits,
popular blog,
search engine optimization,
web 2.0,
web optimization,
web traffic

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips # 4 "Forum Marketing"
Forums are not just websites they are communities of people with the same interest and mind set, which is a great advantage for you. That's because a forum gathers lots of people that are interested in the same niche in one place, so if that niche is your topic then you have a pot of gold in front of you, because in a forum you have the option to create a signature file that is attached to every post you submit, that file contains a link back to your blog which people could click.
So your target on a forum would be to establish credibility because the more useful your posts and threads on a forum the more likely other people on the forum would want to see what else you have to say on your own blog.
Another thing you could do on a forum is make friends with experts in your niche market, they could help you a lot with issues that come up, and problems that you face, plus that link back to your blog could help increase your blog's pagerank.
So your target on a forum would be to establish credibility because the more useful your posts and threads on a forum the more likely other people on the forum would want to see what else you have to say on your own blog.
Another thing you could do on a forum is make friends with experts in your niche market, they could help you a lot with issues that come up, and problems that you face, plus that link back to your blog could help increase your blog's pagerank.
Posted by
9:40 AM
blog marketing tips,
blog traffic,
forum marketing,
marketing tips

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips # 3 "TrackBacks"
TrackBacking is one of the easiest and at the same time most misunderstood techniques of marketing a blog. This part will explain how TrackBacks are created and the purpose of creating them.
If you are reading a relevant blog and find a great article that you think your readers would like, and you decide to link to it. It's easy to just place a simple link and that's all, but why not benefit from this link you made???
This is where TrackBacks come in handy, they are the means of informing the other blogger that you have linked to his blog, and also you leave a link on his blog back to yours, which is a good thing also, so if you decide to TrachBack a popular blog and by chance your Trackback is one of the first replies to the post, you will get a spike of those readers who want to continue the conversation of more information.
How do you create a TrackBack???
First of all you will link to the URL of the post you want to TrackBack on your blog, now I want the other blogger and his readers to know that I have linked to this post, so I go back to his blog and find where it says something like TrackBack this post, when you click on that link a pop up will appear, you will find a link there called the TrackBack URL, copy that and go back to your blog and paiste it where it says URLs to ping.
Now you are finished creating a TrackBack, and the other blogger and his readers will know that you have linked to this post and they even will see a link back to your post.
If you are reading a relevant blog and find a great article that you think your readers would like, and you decide to link to it. It's easy to just place a simple link and that's all, but why not benefit from this link you made???
This is where TrackBacks come in handy, they are the means of informing the other blogger that you have linked to his blog, and also you leave a link on his blog back to yours, which is a good thing also, so if you decide to TrachBack a popular blog and by chance your Trackback is one of the first replies to the post, you will get a spike of those readers who want to continue the conversation of more information.
How do you create a TrackBack???
First of all you will link to the URL of the post you want to TrackBack on your blog, now I want the other blogger and his readers to know that I have linked to this post, so I go back to his blog and find where it says something like TrackBack this post, when you click on that link a pop up will appear, you will find a link there called the TrackBack URL, copy that and go back to your blog and paiste it where it says URLs to ping.
Now you are finished creating a TrackBack, and the other blogger and his readers will know that you have linked to this post and they even will see a link back to your post.
Posted by
6:00 PM
blog marketing tips,
blog traffic,
link to other blog,
marketing tips,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips # 2 "Tag and Ping"
Ping Your Blogs is a very easy said and done technique, that's why it is done by each and every new blogger, although it is not as valuable as it was before but you should still do it because it is good to inform the search engines about the updates that you recently made.
This process is done by writing a code on your blog so it automatically pings another site or you could manually do it at a site like pingomatic .
At some point you will find that the search engines check your blog for new content without you pinging them, this level is achieved by writing fresh and original content regularly, and this is a task that is not easy.
I guess I'll just go and ping the search engines so they index this new post, see you there.
This process is done by writing a code on your blog so it automatically pings another site or you could manually do it at a site like pingomatic .
At some point you will find that the search engines check your blog for new content without you pinging them, this level is achieved by writing fresh and original content regularly, and this is a task that is not easy.
I guess I'll just go and ping the search engines so they index this new post, see you there.
Posted by
5:08 AM
blog marketing tips,
blog traffic,
marketing tips,
ping blogs,
pinging search engines,
tag and ping

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips # 1 "Leaving Comments On Other Blogs"
This tip is a good way to start spreading the word about your blog because each comment you make has a link back to your blog so if you wrote a good and useful comment, most likely anyone who reads it will want to know more about you and click the link back to your blog to see what else you have to say.
While blog commenting is easy it can be a very important marketing tool, but it's not about just leaving a complement like "Nice Post", it's about leaving a good and useful comment something like"I think you are right about ......... , but my opinion is that .........." and if you already wrote a similar article on your blog refer to it in something like "and I hade a similar post on my blog (BLOG LINK) tell me what you think".
I just would like to add that the more time you spend on each comment to make it more useful and informative the more likely visitors the other blog has will want to visit your blog just to see what else you got to say.
This method will get you something between 50 and a 100 unique visits each day if you work on it consistantly and for as long as you do it, one more thing to say, you need to comment at 8 to 10 blogs to reach these numbers, and see you soon.
While blog commenting is easy it can be a very important marketing tool, but it's not about just leaving a complement like "Nice Post", it's about leaving a good and useful comment something like"I think you are right about ......... , but my opinion is that .........." and if you already wrote a similar article on your blog refer to it in something like "and I hade a similar post on my blog (BLOG LINK) tell me what you think".
I just would like to add that the more time you spend on each comment to make it more useful and informative the more likely visitors the other blog has will want to visit your blog just to see what else you got to say.
This method will get you something between 50 and a 100 unique visits each day if you work on it consistantly and for as long as you do it, one more thing to say, you need to comment at 8 to 10 blogs to reach these numbers, and see you soon.
Posted by
6:25 PM
blog marketing tips,
leaving comments on other blogs,
post comments

Friday, December 12, 2008
Blog Marketing Tips Series
Marketing your blog is supposed to be your top priority as soon as you have enough content on your blog because it always makes me sad to see a blog that has great content but no followers, these tips will help you learn how to find people who will be interested in your topic niche.
The first thing I'm going to tell you is that any marketing techniques happen through communication channels, there are two types of communication channels small communication channels and large communication channels. Unfortunately the large ones are only available for popular blogs or others who are featured by popular bloggers. So most of us have to work our way up using the small communication channels, these channels can get you to the first few hundred faithful visitors which is a good start.
This article is the first of many to come called Blog Marketing Tips Series which will be a series detailing each technique that I know and that just might help you reach a large communication channel at the end. So wait for the next tip soon.
The first thing I'm going to tell you is that any marketing techniques happen through communication channels, there are two types of communication channels small communication channels and large communication channels. Unfortunately the large ones are only available for popular blogs or others who are featured by popular bloggers. So most of us have to work our way up using the small communication channels, these channels can get you to the first few hundred faithful visitors which is a good start.
This article is the first of many to come called Blog Marketing Tips Series which will be a series detailing each technique that I know and that just might help you reach a large communication channel at the end. So wait for the next tip soon.
Posted by
10:10 PM
blog marketing tips,
blog traffic,
marketing tips

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
SEO Alphabet
The alphabet is well related to the Search Engine Optimization in many ways, here's a list of tips helping you to stay friends with the Search engines.
The cornerStone for any search engine friendly site is backLinks so aim for good quality backLinks.
The zoo theory states that when animals are kept in cages they lose their basic instincts, The bloggers theory states that if a blogger doesn't try to learn new techniques all the time he just disappears.
A: alt tags
Because humans can see images doesn't mean that bot's can. Actually they don't so that's why we add alt tags, yes, that's right it is an alternative for the bot's to index.
B: backLinksThe cornerStone for any search engine friendly site is backLinks so aim for good quality backLinks.
C: content
F: frames & flash
G: google
H: headings
I: internal linking
J: javaScript
K: KeyWords
L: layout & linking system
M: meta tags
N: niche
O: other blogs
S: spell check
T: tweaking
U: underLine
X: x ray
Search Engines love content, So always bribe the S.E. with good and original content.
D: directory submitSubmit you blog to directories, because that makes you show up a lot and is also counted as a backLink.
E: elements "html"Learn how to write complete element tags in xHTML they are very useful.
F: frames & flash
These are still unfriendly to search engines, so minimize the use of flash in your blog and delate all the frames.
G: google
Google is the cream of the internet, if you make friends with google you will benefit a lot.
ranking there is easy as long as you play by the rules, and have good content.
ranking there is easy as long as you play by the rules, and have good content.
H: headings
The headings are easy to write, and tell the bots that the page and content are well organized, and also tell the bots what is more important.
I: internal linking
Your navigation should be easy to use for humans and for the bots because it helps the bots crawl your site or blog easily and index all the pages.
J: javaScript
JavaScript menus look cool, I know but the bots don't follow links in JS so use html links.
K: KeyWords
Brainstorm your keywords, use tools like word tracker or adsense keyword tool , research your keywords frequently to tweek them.
L: layout & linking system
Always start your layout design on a peice of paper, when you find it appealing start designing it, it makes the whole difference in the number of page views.
Linking system is your navigation which controles if visitors can walk through your site easily or is it a maze, also bots don't do the hard work if a page is deep in your site they won't search for it.
Linking system is your navigation which controles if visitors can walk through your site easily or is it a maze, also bots don't do the hard work if a page is deep in your site they won't search for it.
M: meta tags
No matter what they say, meta tags still are important, the proof to that is that your title and discription are what appear in the search results.
N: niche
Choose your niche wizely because if it's too competitive you're going to have a hard time ranking for keywords, while smaller niches give you a chance to fight.
O: other blogs
Commenting on other blogs still gives you a small stream of visitors, at the beginning that small stream is important.
P: pagerankBasically the more backlinks you have the higher PageRank you get, so just work on your content and marketing and people will naturally link to your blog or site when they find your content good enough.
Q: quality contentThe quality of your content is the core of the process, why else does anybody visit a site or blog twice?
R: relevant site linksNot all incomming links are good, only the relevant sites linking to your blog will add to your pageRank, so try to get them.
S: spell check
It is very frustrating to write a great article or submit a great post and find a spelling mistake in it, it's just too unprofessional. ALWAYS check your spelling.
T: tweaking
I'm always happy to find a better way to do something, or a better keyword to target.
U: underLine
Underlining a word or phrase is just as important as making it bold or italic, this applies to both humans and bots.
V: visual contentAdding images and videos to your blog draws more attention and keeps visitors longer, besides google loves it.
W: wake upWake up and stay alert for changes that your competition makes, and the chang in rankings for keywords, in order to find out what you need to tweak and what you are doing right.
X: x ray
Don't just take a look at things, dig deep to find the real reasons and causes, ask all the what? why? when? and HOW? questions.
Y: yahooYahoo is not as strong as it was before but still is a respectful directory and search engine, that's why you should try to rank there.
Z: zoo theoryThe zoo theory states that when animals are kept in cages they lose their basic instincts, The bloggers theory states that if a blogger doesn't try to learn new techniques all the time he just disappears.
Posted by
5:37 PM
blog traffic,
free blog tips,
free traffic guide,
more visits,
search engine,
search engine optimization,
web optimization,
web traffic

Thursday, December 4, 2008
RoadMap To Becoming A Blogger
I just found this stunning guide full of new techniques that surely will influence your traffic and exposure, and the author Gideon Shalkwick teaches something called the x-factor and believe me it does make a difference to implement these methods, and the best thing is that it's free.
download The RoadMap (save as)
download The RoadMap (save as)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Web2.0 Blog & website Marketing
Hi my friend, I've been researching about web2.0 promotion & marketing and found a really great technique that really did boost my rankings for other blogs greatly, I call the technique level network blog marketing.
what you should do is make yourself a personal page on web2.0 websites such as:
I know you think that you already know this type of marketing, but what made the difference for me was that I did not make them all promote my main blog.
Instead I made a few that promoted my blog, and a few others that had links to the pages I made before on web 2.0 sites that promote my blog, so I have levels or layers of promotion.
But the tricky part is that you shouldn't repeat the same exact system for another promotion, always try different combinations so that your competition don't find out your technique, also so that google doesn't track this back and change algorithms.
This technique works wonders, and it's here for free, just for you, try it out and tell me what you think.
what you should do is make yourself a personal page on web2.0 websites such as:
I know you think that you already know this type of marketing, but what made the difference for me was that I did not make them all promote my main blog.
Instead I made a few that promoted my blog, and a few others that had links to the pages I made before on web 2.0 sites that promote my blog, so I have levels or layers of promotion.
But the tricky part is that you shouldn't repeat the same exact system for another promotion, always try different combinations so that your competition don't find out your technique, also so that google doesn't track this back and change algorithms.
This technique works wonders, and it's here for free, just for you, try it out and tell me what you think.
Posted by
12:27 PM
big blog,
network promotion,
small blog,
web 2.0,
web master,

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